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Finding Nemo [wide screen, full screen]

Bibliography Information:
Material Type:DVD Video
Collection:DVD Video
Call Number:J DVD FICTION Finding
Title:Finding Nemo [wide screen, full screen]
Remainder of title:
Personal name:Walt Disney Pictures.
Statement of responsibility:Walt Disney Pictures, Pixar
Coordinated Info:Year: 2003 / ISBN: 078884508X
100 minutes / Value: $19.99 / G
Reference and Record Number: 15
Amazon.com / Search: Google, Yahoo, Live
2 Comments / 7 circs / WorldCat

Barcode #DescriptionStatusStatus DateDue Back
 30030005  Has booklet. [added: 2008-07-22 02:55:26]  On Shelf  2008-08-29 17:42:41   

Front Cover

Back Cover

Additional Bibliographic Information:
Terms of availability:100 minutes
Date of publication:2003
Summary or note:2-Disc Collector's Edition with bonus features; wide screen and full screen version on respective discs.
Purchase price:19.99 / G
Amazon ID:B00005JM02

Talk about bibliography #15. 2 Comments so far. RSS feed.

  1. JT! at 2008-09-05T15:20:

    This is a fine Movie!
    I checked It out a while back. The Picture was Great! and on the MENU of Disc 1,
    There is an Icon (It looks like a Fish in a Square) That can make the MENU Text
    dissapear! It turns your TV into an underwater Aquarium!!! Plus, on Disc 2, there is a
    PIXAR Comedy Short! So in conclusion, I rate Disney Pixar’s Finding Nemo, with 100%
    of Fun-filled Explosive Undersea Action that the whole Family should Enjoy!!!!!

  2. Richard X. Thripp at 2008-09-05T21:48:

    Thanks for the review, JT! I enjoyed this movie too; it’s a great follow-up to Toy Story.

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