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A compendium of the history of the United States from the earliest settlements to 1872 :

designed to answer the purpose of a text book in schools and colleges as well as to meet the wants of general readers.

Bibliography Information:
Material Type:Book
Collection:Adult Nonfiction Books
Call Number:973 Ste
Title:A compendium of the history of the United States from the earliest settlements to 1872 :
Remainder of title:designed to answer the purpose of a text book in schools and colleges as well as to meet the wants of general readers.
Personal name:Stephens, Alexander Hamilton.
Statement of responsibility:By Alexander H. Stephens.
Coordinated Info:Year: 1872 / ISBN: 1928596002 / 513 pages
Value: $19.95 / Hardback
Reference and Record Number: 73
Amazon.com / Search: Google, Yahoo, Live
One Comment / 0 circs / WorldCat

Barcode #DescriptionStatusStatus DateDue Back
 30030056   [added: 2008-07-24 11:11:02]  On Shelf  2008-08-07 08:18:57   

Front Cover

Back Cover

Additional Bibliographic Information:
Classification number:E178.1
Item number:.S816
Classification number:973
Dates associated with a name:1812-1883.
Edition statement:1999 American Foundation Publications reprint.
Place of publication:New York,
Name of publisher:E.J. Hale,
Date of publication:1872
Extent:513 pages
Other physical details:illus.
Purchase price:19.95 / Hardback
Geographic name:United States
General subdivision:History.

Talk about bibliography #73. One Comment so far. RSS feed.

  1. Richard X. Thripp at 2008-08-05T07:16:

    Lots of great historical information in here, especially considering that it was written 136 years ago, from the perspective of the time.

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